Sunday, November 25, 2012

New "Handwork in History" Classes are coming...

Our 4th & 5th series of "Handwork in History" will begin soon...
We will be studying and honoring The Life of Harriett Powers...
During our first In-Depth Study we will be making a "Story Skirt" in Harriett Powers Manner...
Here are 2 pictures of the Front and Back of hers... We will make ours into an Apron...

This workshop will meet 6 times and is not recommened for Beginners...
The Price will include a Basic Kit, a Supply List, Snacks & Instruction and an Invitation to join "Huswifs"
 (A Needlearts Group that meets once a month February-October) 
I will post the cost, where & when in January 2013... 

Our next Project will be a "Story Tree Skirt" & "Story Stockings" that will continue your family's story/history in Harriett Powers' manner... 
Here is a Picture of Harriett Powers famous Bible Quilt that we'll use as inspiration during this class...
 I have always been inspired and awed by her work and feel Blessed to honor her...
The Price will include a Basic Kit, a Supply List, Snacks & Instruction...
I will post the cost, where & when in January 2013...
I am so excited...

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