Sunday, April 13, 2014

Workt by Hand 2014

Workt by Hand... Lead by Ali Strebel, Sally Korte, Sue Spargo & Melissa Becker...
After viewing their creations, you are given a design and taught techniques... Then you have 4 days to Create... Look what 40+ Women did!


Gayle said...

My mind is ALWAYS blown away by what comes out of this workshop - one of these days I would LOVE to attend. Thanks for all the inspiring photos - which is YOURS?

Bee Lady said...

Very COOL! I love all of the techniques everyone did and thanks for showing us the details. I bet there was a lot of laughter at this workshop too!

Cindy Bee

Granny Bee said...

Gayle I didn't show mine... I promise I will! And you should go... So much fun! Cindy Bee, we laughed so hard! It was a WONDERFUL trip!