Saturday, April 21, 2012

Finally... I'm finished...Drum Roll Please...

I finally have my "Give Ye Thanks" rug finished... Okay, the hooking is finished, just have to bind it... I started it (2) two years ago (this September) in a class given by Kris Miller... Jan Adler and I chose the same design, but hers is already finished and a picture of it is on Kris Miller's Blog... Go and see it! ... I'm starting my next project right away... " A Hooked Lady's Pocket" as soon as I'm done checking my Blog Fav's... and Pinterest... and after I pick up some chicken for dinner...

"Give Ye Thanks" Hooked by Beth Notaro, Designed by Lori Brechlin, Adapted by Kris Miller


janis said...


Mugwump Woolies said...

Great rug...good job!

Reality Jayne said...

nice job....!!

Granny Bee said...

Thanks everyone...I'm already on to my next one...

grandma peden's porch said...

Woo hoo it looks "awesome and amazing" nice job.

Bee Lady said...

There's your drumroll!

Cindy Bee